One of my favourite stops on my neighbourhood shopping circuit is About Cheese on Church Street south of Wellesley. The fine selection of Canadian and international cheese, EPI Breads, Thornloe artisanal butter, and the generous samples are all reasons enough to draw you into this tiny shop. However, it gets better: they make a grilled cheese sandwich ($6.50).
The combination of Riopelle and Frère Jacques cheeses between slices of rosemary olive bread is transformed into a molten mass Usually, I think that Riopelle, like brie, is best served unadulterated. But, who can resist this golden goo?
The six minutes this transformation takes gives ample time to race to close-by neighbour Cumbrae Farms, to pick up some of their Berkshire lard or cream-fed pork belly.
You can also have the sandwich with la Quercia rossa prosciutto. Personally, I prefer it without. Any additions take this already indulgent treat way beyond.
Photos by Gina