Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To Market, To Market--Liberty Village, August 8, 2010

Taking the subway and Ossington bus made the trek to the Liberty Village market much quicker.  The slightly soggy day was considerably brightened when I spotted something for which I have been waiting--elderberries--at O.K. Farms.  What makes it even better is that they had removed the berries from their picky little stems.

The melons are still looking, and tasting, fine. But there are more signs of fall with baskets of pears, plums, and apples, including early Macs.  The crab apples set thoughts of jelly making in my head.
The freestone Red Haven peaches are ripe earlier than usual.  Cauliflower and some of the hard squashes are also in that earlier-then-usual category but I still want to live on corn and tomatoes, and green beans and eggplants...I had looked forward to trying more heirloom tomatoes from Esker Ridge.  Sadly, due to a death in the family, Diane Webber was not at the market this week.

Once home, the peaches and elderberries became filling for a very juicy pie.  The buttery double crust was from a classic Julia Child recipe. On the side?  I had made the hazelnut ice cream from  Wednesday's New York Times.  Creamy but not very sweet, it was the perfect foil to the pie.

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