Wednesday, August 24, 2011

To Market, To Market

I saw the most beautiful peaches at Riverdale Farm on Tuesday afternoon.  Visions of an evening making and eating peach pie danced in my head.  Then I heard the dreaded words:  "They were picked this morning.  They should be ready to eat by Thursday. Just take them out of the basket and set them on something soft in a single layer."  Where on my three feet of kitchen counter would that single layer fit?  And while the peaches might not be less crunchy by Thursday I doubt they are going to taste really great. So much for pie baking.

Both Haystrom and the Sosnickis had loads of tomatoes.  Black Crims and Striped Germans were among some of Sosnickis' heirloom varieties.  The Quinte Organics stall had a lovely display with everything from meat to squash and onions along with bouquets of zinnias with hosta leaves.

Those of us disappointed with the peaches could console ourselves with plums, blackberries, blueberries, and yes, even another round of strawberries.

Incidentally, on the way home I decided to check the greengrocers around Church and Wellesley where I was rewarded with a basket of RIPE peaches.

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