Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Buca Yorkville, Toronto

Buca Yorkville shows the range of expertise of chef Rob Gentile and his senior chef associates. This restaurant experience is one of the best one can enjoy in Canada.

It is my opinion that Buca King Street makes the most enjoyable pizza in Toronto. Buca Yorkville is a close 2nd. Here a funghi pizza, nicely think and crunchy crust with seasonal mushrooms (mostly chanterelles), mascarpone cheese, gorgonzola and marjoram.

Immaculate, freshly shucked Pacific sea urchin with warm garlic and Calabrian olive oil.

Lightly smoked, with a perfect texture.

Capesante...live, freshly shucked Gaspe scallops topped with senape yogurt, lump fish caviar and smoked ginger.

Simple spaghetti pomodoro, bronze die cut pasta di gragnano, seaside tomatoes, garlic and olive oil.

Anolini, roasted squash and fonduta di parmigiano stuffed pasta, fermented butter, tre anni cheese all topped with shaved white truffles from Molise. Amazing!

Peperonata, baked eggplant, peppers and zucchini topped with parmesan cheese. 

Cicoria, braised Italian dandelion, pickled garlic and wine vinegar.

Tiramisu di Buca, espresso soaked house made tapioca biscuit, layered with mascarpone and chocolate mousse.

Baked Roman donut, cinnamon pistachio cream and amarena cherry.

Torta caprese, gianduia chocolate tart, butternut squash gelato and orange crema. This was a good dessert, the flavours were very complementary but the tart was a chocolate lover's dream!

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